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Uniform and Equipment
At St Augustine Academy, we have clear expectations regarding uniform and equipment, which are outlined below. A key principle underpinning our uniform policy is that all students should take pride in their school by wearing the correct attire.
The Academy reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate uniform. If you are unsure about any items, please contact the Academy for clarification before making a purchase.
Please view our Academy policy here
Academy Jacket * |
Grey jacket with Academy logo |
Academy Kilt * |
Girls have the choice of the Academy kilt or black trousers (see below) |
Girls: Black tailored, straight or boot cut. Boys: Straight black Girls & boys: No jeans, skinny, flared or stretch trousers |
Socks / tights
Girls: black tights or black knee socks with kilts. Black socks with trousers Boys: White or black socks |
Shirt |
White, long or short sleeved but must include a top button |
Black long sleeved V neck jumper |
Black long sleeve V neck jumper - to be worn with the blazer and not in place of the blazer. |
Academy Tie |
Academy colour: purple |
Shoes |
Black leather shoes, not boots or trainers |
Academy hoodie* |
Black Academy hoodie with logo only |
Academy Sports Polo shirt *
Black short sleeved with purple panels & Academy logo for indoor & outdoor summer use. |
Sports ‘bottoms’
Plain, all black colour only: These can be in the style of shorts / tracksuit trousers / sports leggings / skort with appropriate lengths and style for sport. |
Sports footwear |
Suitable trainers or football boots (optional) for field |
* These items can only be bought from https://bit.ly/SAASchoolColoursDirect
Academy apron - for use in Food, Resistant Materials and Art
If you are interested in second hand uniform please email office@saa.woodard.co.uk and we will be happy to help you.
School Bag: All students must carry a suitable size school bag everyday which will allow them to carry all of their daily required equipment and A4 exercise books. Handbags and boot bags are not suitable for everyday use.
Shoes: Plain black leather, not canvas. The sole should be no more than 1cm in depth and the heel should not exceed 3cm in height measured from the back of the shoe. No sling backs, open toed shoes, boots or trainers, including shoes that look like trainers are to be worn in the Academy.
Jewellery: No form of jewellery is allowed in the academy (except one pair of small studs). This includes bracelets, ear rings, nose studs, eyebrow piercings, lip studs, ear stretchers or any form of retainer. Watches may be worn. Please note: Failure to comply with jewellery rules will lead to confiscation of the item. The item will be returned at the end of term to a responsible adult. The Academy is not responsible for the loss of jewellery items.
Hats and hoodies: Not to be brought into the Academy and will be confiscated if worn inside the building. Parents will be required to collect confiscated items. Hats may be worn outside the building to provide protection in cold weather. No caps are to be worn.
Coats: Not to be worn in the Academy building. Coats can be worn whilst travelling to and from school and during breaks when the students are outdoors. Coats should be plain and practical.
Headwear: Must not obscure the face and should be plain black or white with no patterns or symbols.
Other requirements:
- Nail varnish and false acrylic nails are not permitted and students will be asked to remove these if worn.
- Long sleeve/coloured t-shirts should not be worn under white shirts.
- If hair is dyed, it should be done using subtle natural colours. Extreme hair styles are not permitted, including grade 1 haircuts and tramlines.
- No student should wear a cardigan or a non-Academy jumper.
- Large fashion belts and large hair bows are not permitted.
- Make up, if worn should be discreet. Students will be asked to remove excess make up.
All students are expected have the following pieces of equipment on them at all times to be prepared for their lessons.
- Pencil case
- Pens (black/blue and green)
- Pencils
- Sharpener
- Rubber
- Ruler
- Calculator (scientific)
- Protractor
Purchasing Uniform
At the Academy, our uniform items can be purchased through School Colours Direct. The blazer, tie, kilt are avaliable for purchase on School Colours Direct.
You will need to set up a new account to log in, but if you do need any historical information you can contact enquiries@schoolcoloursdirect.co.uk
How to order uniform items:-
Go to www.schoolcoloursdirect.co.uk/ , go to School Finder and choose St Augustine Academy from the list.
Orders need to be placed online by 9am on 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month, to be in the school delivery the next working day.
Items can be delivered directly to your home but prices will include a delivery fee
When ordering uniform on-line to be delivered to the Academy, please can you include your child's name in the Delivery Address.
If you prefer to collect your items from the Academy, there is no delivery fee and orders are delivered on 1st and 3rd Thursdays in the month. The office will email you and you can collect between the hours of 8:00 and 16:00. In July, our last delivery will be Thursday 20 July.
During the summer holidays, you can collect your order between the hours of 8:30 and 14:00 on Tuesday to Fridays only, but please wait for your email to notify you that the order has arrived before you collect it.
We ask for identification when you collect your order.
For any enquiries about your uniform order, please go to Contact Us on the School Colours Direct web shop: enquiries@schoolcoloursdirect.co.uk and you must quote St Augustine Academy, the name on the order and the order number
When selecting garments required on the web shop, it is always best to also select gender and product type for them to appear in a more logical order on screen
Please refer to the table (in the downloads below) for specifications and guidelines.
To ensure you order the correct size of uniform items, please click on the download below 'guide to uniform measuring.'