Food Truck



The Academy meals and snacks are now provided by Independent Catering. We are proud of our environmental and sustainable approach to our menus and food standards which underpins our commitment to fresh, seasonal and locally grown produce. Our commitment to using the best food that Kent, Sussex and the UK can offer lies at the heart of our approach and always has done!

Our core values ensure pupils and school staff receive healthy and innovative menus, served with a smile by our wonderful dedicated team of catering staff.

Our approach is simple! Great food prepared on site delivering fantastic value for money for parents.

Please see below for examples of our menus.



Food hygine rating

Free School Meals

If your child is under 19 and in full-time education, you may be able to get free school meals for them. The quickest and easiest way to apply for school meals is to apply online:

The link will take you to a page which should give you information on eligibility and how you can apply online.

For parents of year 7 students

You need to inform Kent County Council (KCC) over the summer holiday that your child has moved from primary to secondary school. Call them on 03000 415123 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. This is also the number to use to apply for free school meals if you have not applied before.


Catering Date  
Feb - April Menu 18th Mar 2025 Download
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