Our students will receive a carefully sequenced and thoughtfully planned careers programme that enables our students to flourish in the future. The Careers Programme will help students to become courageous in seeking out new opportunities and experiences. They will learn to show compassion through experiential learning, understanding every individual’s personal journey in our wider community. The careers education, information and guidance programme is designed to meet the needs of each and every learner at St Augustine Academy. It is increasingly personalised over time, ensuring progression through activities that are appropriate to our learners, making them well rounded citizens for the future.
The careers education, information and guidance programme is designed to meet the needs of each and every learner at St Augustine Academy. It is differentiated to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to our learners’ stages of career learning, planning and development.
For more information or assistance, please contact:
Careers Lead: Keeley James
Careers Adviser: Juliet Salmon
Departmental email / telephone: or phone on 01622 752490.
Enterprise Coordinator – Louise Rochford Kent and Medway Careers Hub
St Augustine Academy is committed to providing our students with a programme of careers education, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in years 7 to 11. We believe that a strong and cohesive careers programme allows all students to increase their aspirations, and make sensible and ambitious choices regarding their post-16.
By the time students leave us, they will have been exposed to the various options regarding academic or vocational pathways. All students will be given the opportunity to meet employers, and have different experiences of workplaces.
Our careers leader is Keeley James ( and our careers advisor is Juliet Salmon ( Feel free to contact us if you would like to contribute to our provision of careers guidance, be that by participating in our ‘Careers Fayre’ , by offering work experience placements or through talks, mentoring or assemblies. We are very keen to develop our community around careers, therefore we welcome input from all stakeholders.
Every student has access to the Unifrog website, which allows them to explore jobs, and find out about different educational pathways and qualifications. It also contains live data about local and national trends in different industries.
Unifrog brings into one place every undergraduate university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them. Additionally, the platform helps students successfully apply for these opportunities by helping them to write their personal statements, applications and CVs.
Students log in using their email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage parents to use the platform with your child so they can be supported through the process of deciding their next steps. We will also log careers activities that students engage in during their time at the Academy, in order to build a ‘locker’ of careers related experiences.
Additionally, we have set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to truly support your child. You can sign up here: Students can login here.
We have a strong alumni programme with many former students returning to share their experience and knowledge with our students. Did you go to SAA?
Careers information for families
We publish a Parental Communication Bulletin which includes regular information about our careers programme which may include links to Labour Market Information, job opportunities and details of career activities that are going on within the academy.
Careers Learning Journey
Above is our five year learning journey for all students, mapping out their learning experiences, opportunities and encounters.
Careers Interviews and Progression Support
Each student in year 11 will have a one-to-one interview with a qualified Careers Advisor to discuss their future plans. Students across the academy also have regular conversations with a range of staff regarding their next steps post-Key Stage 3, post-16. We believe that providing the space and time for personalised and informed dialogue is crucial in helping students to navigate the transitions through Key Stages.
Colleges and Further Education Information
Students are given information about the local sixth-form providers and colleges, including the courses on offer and the details of open evenings and entry requirements.
Work Experience
Every student in year 10 gets involved in a week-long work placement and learns about the world of work. Students find a placement which links to their programme of study and complete a work experience journal to reflect on the skills developed and the learning from the process. We have links with a wide range of employers in the local area.
Careers Programme Evaluation
As part of our Careers Leader annual review, we evaluate our assess the impact of our careers programme in the following ways:
- Destinations data
- Student and parent voice surveys
- Student interaction data from Unifrog
- Termly Compass Benchmark Evaluation against the national Gatsby Benchmarks, which is shared with our local careers and enterprise partners.
This information is reviewed on a regular basis and is formally reviewed annually, as part of our commitment to the ongoing development of our provision. This information will next be formally updated in July 2025.
St Augustine Academy is proud to be working with The Education People’s Specialist Employment Service to embed the supported employment model, adding value across all current careers provision. The contract aims to raise aspirations for SEND students and further enhance schools Careers Information advice and guidance programme. The supported employment in schools contract will help mainstream schools across Kent support SEND students through transition and to prepare them for the world of work and into sustainable careers.
Below are pages dedicated to specific year groups regarding the information that both parents/carers and students need for the milestones the students are reaching in their lives.
Year 11 - Transitioning to Post 16
Careers Programme 2024/25 Overview
Careers Programme 2024/25 Overview
In Year 7 our students…DISCOVER
Students will discover themselves, identifying their strengths, skills, attributes, qualities, weaknesses. Allowing them start applying themselves to begin exploring their future.
How do our students discover?
- Careers Fair
- Employer and Apprenticeship Provider Workshops and Interventions
- Higher & Further Education Encounters
- Careers Week
In Year 8 our students…EXPLORE
Students will explore the different opportunities that they have and are able to have throughout their lives. As well as looking at how actions from an early age can impact their employability prospects.
How do our students explore?
- Careers Fair
- Employer and Apprenticeship Provider Workshops and Interventions
- Higher & Further Education Encounters
- Careers Week
In Year 9 our students…PATHWAY
Students will take the first steps in their pathways, by starting to choose their Key Stage 4 options. As well as looking at how they can start their employment journey from a young age.
How do our students pathway?
- Careers Fair
- Key Stage 4 Option Guidance Meetings with our Careers Adviser
- Key Stage 4 Options Evening
- Employer and Apprenticeship Provider Workshops and Interventions
- Higher & Further Education Encounters
- Careers Week
In Year 10 our students…EXPERIENCE
Students will bring their knowledge together to gain a full experience in a work placement setting at the end of Year 10, whilst preparing themselves for the work that is ahead in Year 11.
How do our students experience?
- Careers Fair
- Employer and Apprenticeship Provider Workshops and Interventions
- Work Experience Placement
- Higher & Further Education Encounters
- Careers Week
In Year 11 our students…APPLY
Students will take their experiences and shape them into a pathway for transitioning into Post 16 education. Shaping themselves into model citizens with the tools they need for the world of work.
How do our students apply?
- Careers Fair
- Post 16 Options Evening
- Mock Interviews
- Careers Guidance and Advice Interviews with our Careers Adviser
- Careers Focus Day
- Post 16 Applications via Kent Choices
- Careers Week
- Employer and Apprenticeship Provider Workshops and Interventions
Work Experience
Every year 10 student takes part in the Work Experience programme at St Augustine Academy. It is intended to give students experience of working life and to develop and practise the various skills and attitudes needed in the workplace.
It also provides an opportunity to increase self-confidence, develop personal and social skills and helps to give a focus and relevance to their school studies. In some cases, it may also lead to the offer of a summer or Saturday job or an apprenticeship opportunity.
The whole process from researching placement opportunities to meeting with potential employers and securing a placement is the responsibility of the individual student. However, there is comprehensive support from the Work Experience Co-Ordinator who organises and runs the whole programme from start to finish.
Although the placement takes place at the start of July, the whole process begins in the previous November. It is important for students and parents/carers to realise that the placement does not always have to be linked to a future career choice. At this stage, many students may not have decided what they may want to do on leaving the Academy but Work Experience can give them valuable help in making these decisions as it gives them a chance to have a ‘taster’ of an area of work.
How to use Unifrog for Work Experience
Students will access Unifrog by clicking a link in the welcome email which they have already received, where they will be asked to create a password, before they can begin to use the platform. They will login using their school email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone. You can download the Unifrog app from your relevant app store for free. We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next step.
Once your child’s placement has been planned in principle with an employer, they will need to add the relevant details to the Work Experience ‘Placement tool’ section of Unifrog. This will action an email to be sent to the prospective company, for them to complete their details around the placement, and then you as parents/carers will be asked to confirm your approval via another automated email. This will all need to be completed by 30th April to allow time for the school to give the final approval to the placement.
We will also expect students to complete a Work Experience Journal (which will be provided) during their placement to enable them to reflect and learn from the opportunity. Prior to the work experience week, we will further prepare students for their placements through an assembly focusing on health and safety, safeguarding and expectations regarding conduct as they represent the school in the workplace.
Please see the diagrams below for additional support and also video links if required:
From the home page scroll down and click on the Placements tab.
Click the green Add New Placement tab.
Complete all section of the form
Please note for the questions – please select ‘in person’ placement
Click ‘Work Experience Team’ for the Placement Coordinator
Work Experience Dates – Mon 7th July – Fri 11th July
Click Add Placement when you have finished the Form
- Student video explaining how to complete the initial student form can be found here
- Filling out your student initial form (Sep 2024) video for Year 10 on how to start off the placement tool.
For placement enquiries please ask your child to speak with Miss Thomas the Work Experience Placement Adviser
For Unifrog enquiries please contact Juliet Salmon the Careers Adviser
For other concerns relating to Work Experience please contact Keeley James the Careers Lead
Thank you in anticipation of your support for what will be an exciting opportunity for your child to have an insight into the world of work.
Careers Guidance and Advice
St Augustine has a part-time Careers Adviser, Miss Salmon, who is available in school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00am till 3:30pm to meet with all Year 11 students individually. Additionally, Miss Salmon is available to meet with students from other Year groups by teacher referral or student/parental request.
Miss Salmon will provide support and guidance on:
- Exploring career options and choices available for students based on individual strengths, interests and abilities.
- Further education opportunities (college and 6th Form)
- Apprenticeships, Training Providers and Traineeships
- Careers Research and local labour market information
- Interviews, Applications and CV writing
For more detailed information on these topics see the downloads below.
Students should also read ‘My choices after year 11 – an action plan.’ Click here.
Getting Involved (Employers and other organisations)
Throughout the year we hold different events for employers, businesses, organisations, training providers, sixth forms, colleges and universities to be a part of. Please be aware that all times and dates are subject to change and we will confirm with you the dates.
- Careers Evening
- Mock Interviews with Year 11 students
- Intervention and mentoring
- Careers and Business Breakfasts
- Employers Fair
We also have a bespoke Key Stage 3 Careers Education curriculum, through this we look to offer our students. Again if you would like to provide a course, activity or event to our students please email, this would be subject to timetables, dates and times of the Key Stage 3 classes.
Universities that we work with to provide our students with oppurtunities of Higher Education:
If you are a former student of St Augustine Academy, we want to hear from you!
Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We would love you to join our alumni network and stay connected with the school.
You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you can act as a career and education role model, provide work experience, become a mentor in person or online, or help with donations or fundraising.
It doesn’t matter when you left us, whether you’re in further education or employment, whether you still live nearby or have moved further away, there are still ways you can help.
In order to sign up, just fill in the online form – we promise it will only take a couple of minutes.
Thank you - and we look forward to hearing from you!
Please click the link below to open the form and register your interest
Provider Access Policy Statement
Provider Access Policy Statement
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school and speak to students.
Pupil entitlement
All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:
- to find out about technical educational qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of educational and training options available at each transition point;
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
As required by the Provider Access Legislation, the Academy must provide at least six encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:
- Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
- Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
- Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend
Management of provider access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Lewis Muir (Careers and Work Experience Lead) who will then liaise with the appropriate senior leader to consider the request. They need to email:
Safeguarding Arrangements
If the provider is spending their time working with our students, then we expect them to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, carried out by their employer. The single central record is kept up to date with DBS numbers for all staff, supply staff, volunteers, contractors (visitors) and Academy Council members. The single central record states that we must record the date we have received confirmation from the contractor or employing organisation stating that they have carried out Enhanced DBS and Barred List checks, references and right to work in the UK and identity checks. The single central record is maintained by the head of business support and PA to the Principal, Yvonne Lambert.
Premises and facilities
St Augustine Academy ensures that relevant space is made available; however, if we cannot provide the premises or facilities, then it is down to the provider’s discretion as to whether the access takes place.
Right to Cancel
St Augustine Academy and its members of staff have the right to cancel any bookings made at any time due to internal and external factors. The provider also has the right to cancel due to internal and external factors. The provider must give notice via email to about the cancellation.
Destination Data
Below shows that last five years of destination data.
2021 NEET - National average - 6.4% (Awaiting the 2022 figure)
2022 Year 11 Leavers NEET- St Augustine Academy - 2% (Data collected from collaboration with Kent County Council)