



Aims and Vision for Curriculum 

At St Augustine Academy we aim to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Geography plays an important part in this as it can inspire children to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. We want to provoke questions about the natural and human worlds, developing children’s cultural awareness and knowledge about diverse places, people, resources, and environments.



Developing Our Learners

They key areas of development for Geography at St Augustine is to: 

  • Develop our students so they have a deep understanding of our planet’s key physical and human processes.  
  • Develop our students' ability to undertake geographical enquiry and skills by investigating and expressing their own views about people, places, and environments, both in and outside the classroom.  
  • Develop the skills of interpreting a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs, and Geographical Information Systems. 
  • Develop students' understanding of how the human and physical features of a place can change over time and teach children to collect and analyse evidence and draw conclusions.  
  • Develop our students into lifelong learners who are independent thinkers who challenge ideas and concepts and have a curiosity for finding out about places, patterns, and processes. 

Structure And Sequence

The Geography curriculum builds on the primary curriculum and is structured and carefully sequenced so that knowledge and skills are revisited and built upon with a greater level of challenge as students move through from KS3 and KS4. 


In KS3 the curriculum ensures compliance with national curriculum guidelines. In year 7 the aim is to consolidate geographical knowledge and skills from KS2. Topics have been selected to foster curiosity and fascination with both human and physical elements of geography. In years 8 & 9 students will gradually build upon previously taught topics. Case studies will be selected with one eye on GCSE case studies to give students basic concepts and ideas to be revisited again in years 10 &11. In year 9 there will be an emphasis on exploring some of the challenges faced both globally and closer to home in the UK. This will be highly relevant for all students even those who do not wish to continue their studies at GCSE. In line with the aim to inspire children to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. 


In KS4 students will study the AQA spec. Topics have been interspersed to try and create balance between human and physical geography. Elements of geographical skills with be embedded throughout to ensure students skill are practiced and repeated as often as possible. Opportunities have been created for 2 fieldwork enquiries required for Paper 3: Geographical skills. Topics have been planned so relevant learning has taken place prior to these enquiries. 

Destinations and the World of Work

A geography degree is within the top 10 most employable degrees in the UK. By encouraging our students to become knowledgeable, skillful and literate, opportunities will in turn open for them. We promote the link between having good literacy and enhanced opportunities in later life. 

Also, the development of an understanding of their position within the wider world will allow for students to empathise and become critical thinkers which will allow for them to succeed in further education and employment.  

Throughout the curriculum, discussions take place about the links the students’ geographical journey has with the world of work. For example, discussions around key players linked to topical issues e.g. town planners managing flood risk, volcanologists and the local government’s role in regeneration.  

We also develop a diverse range of transferable skills from cartographic to statistical analysis and the ability to assess and evaluate. 

Subject Documents  
Curriculum Map - Geography - All Years Download
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