Aims and Vision for Curriculum
We want our students to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and to use their new knowledge and understanding to explain these phenomena, predict how things will behave and critically analyse outcomes. We want them to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Developing Our Learners
We endeavor to have our students develop into enthusiastic and motivated scientific learners. They will become resilient, independent and curious scientists who ask questions and find things out for themselves. STEM ambassadors and the wider community will support science learning through trips and visits on regular basis. Science will be a high profile subject throughout the school. This will be evidenced through positive students voice and feedback. The numbers of students completing the separate science course will be maintained.
Structure And Sequence
KS3 Science is delivered across three years. Students will have six 1 hour lessons a fortnight. We teach students about forces, energy, reactions and matter, organisms and ecosystems to name a few topics.
At GCSE, Combined Science is allowed nine hours of teaching a fortnight with these being evenly split between biology, chemistry and physics. Each of the Separate Sciences are timetabled four or five lessons a fortnight in year 11 and 3 hours per subject in year 10.
To support the transition of students from primary school and between each subsequent key stage, our learners experience working scientifically throughout their lessons to integrate the skills required for each discipline. This consolidates the foundations of the previous key stage and prepares them for moving forward on their science journey at the Academy and beyond. Work is scaffolded to increase student comprehension and differentiated to facilitate learners with SEND.
Destinations And The World Of Work
Science students can find employment opportunities across all sectors as their skills are actively sought by employers. As well as the specific knowledge gained from studying Science, students develop many transferable and work-related skills that are highly valued by employers and which will increase their employability.
For Science students the employability skills you will develop include the ability to:
- analyse and critically evaluate information
- understand and make informed judgements about science-based issues
- interpret, use and evaluate data
- conduct practical and investigative work and be aware of risk assessments
- be an effective communicator
- work as part of a team
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