

Aims and Vision for Curriculum

Art and Design is a creative, inspiring thought-provoking subject. The Art Department aims to actively engage students in the creative process for them to develop as independent learners and creative thinkers with enquiring minds. It is important to develop imaginative and intuitive capabilities when exploring and making images, artefacts and products.

Students are actively encouraged to become confident in taking risks and to learn from experience when exploring and experimenting with ideas, processes, media, materials and techniques. The department seeks to provide an opportunity for learners to take a personal interest in why Art and Design matters and to be inspired by studying an exciting and stimulating range of content. 

Pupils are encouraged to make connections to a broader range of subject knowledge and skills including building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Learners also draw upon other disciplines such as Mathematics, History, English, Music, Computing and Design Technology. 

Overall, the department aims to teach progressively across the key stages building upon previous knowledge and skills and developing the students’ creative curiosity. This is achieved through the departments’ intent to utilise core skills and activities throughout each scheme of work. 


Developing Our Learners

Art, Craft and Design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design. They should also know how the subject both reflects and shapes our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. 

Structure And Sequence 

The Art and design curriculum develops core art skills inspired by historical and contemporary artists. It utilises a wide range of creative contexts and media within our schemes of work to create a dynamic and exciting subject. 


At KS3, the year 7 curriculum is sequenced using the formal art elements; colour and shape, line and tone, texture and pattern. Students look at historical and contemporary artists to inspire their outcomes.  In year 8 it develops concepts and skills – drawing, form and abstraction. In year 9 it is focused on experimenting and technique.  In KS4 these skills are developed gradually challenging students to create more diverse and challenging pieces of Art. 


This supports the school vision to deliver a high-quality art education to inspire and challenge all students: 

Courage – taking risks, experiment, refine/develop, to learn a new skill/technique, to reflect and learn from our mistakes to express own ideas. 

Compassion- to appreciate and celebrate other artists/cultures, to share, listen to each reflection and opinions about artists, their work and peers. To express their emotions and feelings into their work/ideas. 

Community- creating an artistic and purposeful environment of students work, displays, art exhibition to allow students to flourish, share and inspire. Competitions and working with Maidstone Museum. 

Destinations And The World Of Work

Creativity is critical thinking, to think beyond what we already know is vital for any student whatever their destination. Learning through, and about, the arts enrich the experience of studying while at school as well as preparing students for life after school. Studying Art at St Augustine Academy will help our students express themselves, build confidence and create a sense of individual identity. 


Our Art curriculum ensures learners are ready for the next steps, whether that is studying an art and design-based subject at A level/level 3 at college and/or sixth form or going into the world of work.  Students are taught transferable skills and how to be creative problem solvers.  Our extra curriculum provision enables students to engage with art in the community. 


The art department has a link with our local Maidstone Museum and students have entered ‘artist of the year’ competition, ‘being curators for a day’ University of Creative arts ‘chaos’ competition.  

Subject Documents  
Curriculum Map Art - All Years Download
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