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Students visit The Friars

Posted on: 30th Jun 2022

At the end of June, the Year 8 RE group went on a most unusual trip - to The Friars at Aylesford. This amazing building (as can be seen in our photos) is a community of Carmelite Friars and used as a place of transformation, prayer and reflection. The building of the medieval church was delayed by the Black Death in 1345. Unfortunately, the Carmelite monks were forced to leave in 1538 due to the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII but they returned in 1949.

Our students were greeted by a Carmelite Monk and then toured the monastery and visited the various chapels. They also attended the mid-day Mass service although students were not required to participate.

Students completed various activities throughout the day. As part of the Religious Education curriculum, this was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Christian beliefs and to learn outside of the classroom. 

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